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Is this Arne Vodder...

Is this Arne Vodder?  

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22/01/2018 5:29 pm  

The shelves are all adjustable and removable. The back is unfinished and will be hard for me to get a photo of it for a while. Too big too move on my own.

I will keep looking online in the interim.

Thank you all again for your input.

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22/01/2018 5:29 pm  

The shelves are all adjustable and removable. The back is unfinished and will be hard for me to get a photo of it for a while. Too big too move on my own.

I will keep looking online in the interim.

Thank you all again for your input.

My Panton Home
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22/01/2018 9:08 pm  

As i wrote earlier i saw a credible attribution recently in a for sale post, but can not for the life of me remember where or who it was.

But check Instagram or 1stdibs, could have been either 🙂

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22/01/2018 9:16 pm  

Thanks again everyone. I've looked through 1st Dibs but have not checked Instagram. That may turn something up. I'll post if I find it.

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24/01/2018 5:48 am  

I have a book with a piece attributed to Finn Juhl with similar drawers but they are laminated.

Illustrious Member Moderator
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24/01/2018 11:48 am  

Finn Juhl's use of colors surely was an inspiration for other danish designers. He may have "invented" the multicolored drawers. But apart from that he had nothing to do with the highboard in question.

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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24/01/2018 4:16 pm  

To identify this piece general design similarities need to be ignored. There is plenty of the Danish furniture industry of 1962 in the piece. It would be little construction details that begin to form a picture of which company made it. So far the photos have all focused on design elements that really aren

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