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Is this Arne Vodder...

Is this Arne Vodder?  

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16/01/2018 7:30 pm  

Hello Design Addict experts,

Take a look at the colors of the drawers inside the cabinet. They match other Arne Vodder drawer colors but I can not find this piece specifically when searching. I would greatly appreciate any opinions out there. Thanks, Hugh

Kyle Barrett
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16/01/2018 8:35 pm  

I have no idea who it is, but I am certain it's not Arne Vodder. Painted drawers are part of upcycling these days! Fun, eh?

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16/01/2018 10:34 pm  

Thanks Kyle for the info. I know people are painting things no a days, and I agree, that's errr, fun.

I too was skeptical about the piece being Vodder but the paint appears to be original to the piece.

Do you know if anyone else in the era was painting drawers like this?

I've attached a few more pics of the drawers.


Kyle Barrett
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16/01/2018 11:05 pm  

Yeah, I'm with you, not really that fun.

In all seriousness I struggle to believe that paintwork is original. I believe I've seen handles like that before on fairly generic pieces and never seen the painted drawers. I think I'm mostly skeptical because of how clean the paintwork seems to be.

As to whether this was common outside of Vodder, I don't think it was. But that's not to say it didn't happen, the BO69 desk by Finn Juhl is honestly the first thing that sprang to mind, he also did a similar sideboard and weird filing folding cabinet too. I digress, two big names were doing it, so even if this paint were original (which I doubt it to be) then the painted drawers are not an indication of this being a piece by Arne Vodder, just imitating trends. The design outside of painted drawers betrays that much.

It must be stressed, there is plenty of other voices here, all of whom far exceed my knowledge on the matter. Perhaps they'll weigh in on whether it's original on this piece or not, and who designed it.

My Panton Home
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16/01/2018 11:11 pm  

Paint is original and i have seen this cabinet a few times in the past.

I did see it for sale recently where the designer was named, but can not for the life of me remember where it was or who either.

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16/01/2018 11:19 pm  

Thanks Kyle for the update and My Panton Home for letting me know you've seen it before.

Hoping someone else will see the post who knows the piece and can give the name of the designer.

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17/01/2018 3:58 pm  

There are a number of original designs out there that have multi-colored, painted drawers. Vodder, Juhl and on to G-plan. Obviously there were Eames pieces as well, and I wonder if these danish pieces were not a subtle nod to the American designers who were using a lot more color?

I have seen your sideboard attributed to B

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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17/01/2018 5:42 pm  

Not Mogensen. Not Arne Vodder.

Take Zephyr

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21/01/2018 5:38 pm  

Thank you Zephyr and Leif for your comments.

You'll see in this new set of images the base is also a unique part of the piece. Although, I did not have the cross piece in the original set of images, it's (luckily) been found and now attached.

As for your questions Zephyr, no, there are no markings on the piece.

Hopefully now that it is complete someone will recognize it.

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21/01/2018 5:39 pm  

Here are a few more photos.

Thanks again for any help identifying the designer.

Illustrious Member Moderator
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21/01/2018 10:36 pm  

I see a lot of Johannes Andersen in there. Couldn

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

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22/01/2018 2:07 am  

Yes, I see a similarity in the drawer pulls but I too was unable to find a Johannes Andersen match. That's the closest I've seen from a drawer pull configuration aspect, but didn't see a similar base or the colored drawers.

I'm still hoping someone else see this post who might have one and know the designer.

Thanks for your comment Herringbone.

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22/01/2018 7:56 am  

The drawer pulls reminds me to the Omnibus Wall

Unit by Sven Ellekaer

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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22/01/2018 3:47 pm  

Take some more photos. What does the back look like, how is it attached? How are the shelves in place.

Danish pieces can be infuriatingly hard to identify on looks alone if a piece is not immediately obvious. The maker needs to identified first, then maybe that will lead to the designer.

Illustrious Member Moderator
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22/01/2018 3:57 pm  

You find many of these drawer pulls out there. But Andersen did also use these round handles (like many others) and the legs of the highboard resemble those of other Andersen pieces, be it tables or sideboards he designed for cfc and uldum.

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

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