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Identification of b...

Identification of bamboo bar set  

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Illustrious Member
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Posts: 4586
10/05/2017 3:31 am  


As promised, here is a picture of Mona Lisa Adam's front door, her tacky see-through foyer (with her toys), the 2 lovely living room windows, and the 5 story tower. The 2nd floor terrace is located in between the living room and the tower. They have a daily gardener. Mona eats crisp bacon, designer shoes, and occasionally deer sausage. She poops non-stop, so she requires a caretaker (Maria). Total square footage must be around 10,000sf (guessing).


Aunt Mark

Reputable Member
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Posts: 113
10/05/2017 11:53 pm  

Hello Pegboard!

I have no idea how to message through DA (Is is even possible?) but I would love a copy of your book! Can you contact me so I can paypal you for a copy?

retrolampguy at gmail


Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1324
11/05/2017 4:09 am  

well this is sort of odd. Just got back from the goodwill with the following. It looks like a Raymor/Bitossi beach holiday getaway lamp. Someone rewired it and DIDN'T FEED THE CORD THROUGH THE HOLE IN THE SIDE OF THE BASE, so it leans. Pegboard, it was calling to you via me via this thread.

EDIT - and yes, that thar is real bamboo....

Not to feed an addiction, but if you are interested in it PEGB, it can be yours at cost. It really is quite nicely done and if you want more pics they can be supplied.

EDIT - and as you know, I am a lamp guy....

Norman Chaney
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Posts: 85
11/05/2017 9:49 am  

Pegboard, that's not embarrassing, that's awesome.

Thank you sincerely.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
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11/05/2017 5:18 pm  

A single word of caution to cool parents with awesome basement dens:


I speak from experience.

P.S. Locking the liquor cabinet won't do any good.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 4586
11/05/2017 6:02 pm  

Very true, tktoo!

My folks just didn't bother with a lock on the booze supply. It would have been a total waste of time, as I had 2 friends who could pick any lock, and my folks were seldom home. So we had my fathers house (basement bar) rule. "Alcohol and pubic hair are a dangerous combination". There were a few incidents. Cigarettes were fine, but only the poor people smoked pot, and not on his turf. The 1970's. My god.


Aunt Mark

ps we were also allowed to use certain swear words, but they had to be whispered until we reached legal age. It was an odd upbringing. It was a simple life. It was the 1970's.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2313
11/05/2017 7:16 pm  

Mark, It's rumored that I was once complicit in refilling a giant Galliano bottle (you know, one on a stand with a spigot) with sugar water and food coloring. Cooked woofers on Dr. Cassidy's prized quad walnut veneer KLH6's may or may not have happened during same.

Harvey Wallbangers and Maui-Wowie. What more to say beyond, "Your Honor, let's not lose sight of who was the victim here"?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 4586
11/05/2017 8:21 pm  

I once topped off a prize bottle of single malt with Listerine, as the friend who consumed it suggested. It wasn't well received by the chief.

I did,

Aunt Mark

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