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I need help on figu...

I need help on figuring out what this is called!!!  


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15/07/2017 10:46 am  

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15/07/2017 10:54 am  

This is the top view of the inside

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15/07/2017 10:56 am  

This is the inside bottom view

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15/07/2017 10:57 am  

this is the back

Illustrious Member
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15/07/2017 4:01 pm  


I'd call it a poorly painted 2 door nightstand with a lazy-suzan top drawer, I guess.


Aunt Mark

ps would you happen to have a picture of your great grandma? Sometimes that helps.

Illustrious Member
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15/07/2017 7:08 pm  

While I do not disagree with Aunt Mark, I am just wondering about those two little spindles (?) inside that swing-out drawer. Usually these are are in sewing cabinets so you can stick spools of thread on them to keep them from rolling around, or whatever. Maybe they have some other function?

Also, the whole thing looks newer than back in the day when ladies did most of their sewing by hand and needed cabinets for supplies but not so much for sewing AT, since there is no kneehole in your thing that would enable someone to sit at a sewing machine and sew. Though it does look like a sewing machine would fit nicely into the bigger cubby below.

The top is called a "waterfall" style, which might help to date it. I think waterfall tops were popular in the 30s and maybe into the 40s? The tops were always veneered and often ended up chipped at the edges, so you could look for evidence of that, i guess--which might help to date it. Or not.

Also, swing-out drawers weren't usually just for fun, they were there for a reason, like to avoid hitting something inside, like a sewing machine that dropped down into the cabinet---or something. But maybe yours was just for fun, i dunno.

extreme tangent: my great grandfather made each of his 7 (?) daughters a Martha Washington style sewing cabinet as a wedding gift, or at least some of them got one, and maybe not for her wedding---the details are sketchy. My grandmother's is still in our family somewhere, and I do have a darling photo of my grandmother about the time she got married, though the cabinet is not in the photo. She was not a smoker.

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17/07/2017 5:20 am  

I appreciate the feed back although I'm not sure what smoking has to do with it or a picture of my great grandmother, however I do recall her having one similar and was hoping to find the name of this item. I have looked up waterfall and have seen items similar but not exactly like the one I have is there somewhere I can take it to see if it is authentic?

Illustrious Member
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17/07/2017 5:35 am  

I once inherited a pool stick. My sister inherited our Aunts organ. Same time.


Aunt Mark

ps. authentic what? (respectfully).

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17/07/2017 6:10 am  

Authenticate if it was from the 30s or 40s or if it is something that someone recently made. My great grandma live to be 101 she died six years ago she was given it by her mother if that gives you a better age frame. Like I said it is somewhere I'm not sure if it is the exact same as the one she did have. But I do appreciate you getting back to me so fast.

Illustrious Member
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17/07/2017 6:49 am  

Look for someone who appraises antiques. This board's focus is on original mid-century modern design, like mid-50s to 70s, and some contemporary design.


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