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Help with this chai...

Help with this chair?  


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04/11/2017 5:48 pm  

I picked up a pair of these beauties at a garage sale a few years ago and I don't know a thing about furniture. I have since been told they are Selig. I have been searching for this exact model for months without success. Can anyone help with any info such as style/ model/ designer?

The lady I bought them from said that they are walnut but see some chairs in teak. Any answers on that?

Both chairs are in about the same condition which is the same condition I bought them in.

Any info is helpful.

20170814221241-1-1.jpg20170814221250-1-1.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

Illustrious Member
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04/11/2017 7:50 pm  

Is there a Selig badge on them? Whats makes you say that they are Selig? Selig was pretty reliable when making their lounge chairs.

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04/11/2017 9:28 pm  

That is what someone told me in another forum and no, there isn't a badge or mark. Upon looking at other Seligs, they look similar so i believed it to be true. It may not be. As I mentioned, I don't know anything about furniture.

I'm open to any info.

Thanks for your time!

Illustrious Member
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05/11/2017 12:16 am  

Understood. Well, I find the Selig attribution to be very thin, as I stated earlier they were really good about marking their pieces, in my experience. It is not impossible that it is an unmarked Selig, but unlikely. Plus, it really does not line up with any of their more well known pieces.

Can you take some close ups of the wood? From the pictures, I would guess walnut, but that is about as firm as the Selig attribution. Also a picture or two of the underside and any other unique details. How a chair is constructed and what it is constructed of, can often offer the most important clues to identification. So there are no markings on it what so ever?

Just warning you, even with better details, which are essential to make any progress, there is the chance that it wont be identifiable right away. For the more obscure pieces, it can take some time, and usually it is accidentally run across out on the internet, while searching for other things.

Illustrious Member
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05/11/2017 12:35 am  

I believe that is by Stow and Davis, and is walnut. A google search should turn up marked examples.

Illustrious Member
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05/11/2017 1:31 am  

Nice one cd. I was getting ready to come up blank if it were American made/designed. It does have a bit of an IKL look to it, so I understand the incorrect Selig attribution. Anyways, well done sir.

Illustrious Member
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10/11/2017 10:41 pm  

... designed by George W. Reinoehl, model #32A

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10/11/2017 10:47 pm  

Wow! You guys are good! Thank you all so much, I really appreciate it!

Illustrious Member
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11/11/2017 2:19 pm  

No, cd is good.

I just stumble around in the dark, in a room that I am vaguely familiar with.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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11/11/2017 2:46 pm  

Zephyr how do I send you and email?

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11/11/2017 2:58 pm  


Kyle Barrett
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11/11/2017 5:06 pm  

I feel bad saying how much I dislike American design sometimes, because although it's mostly true I really wouldn't be unhappy if this landed in my lap. I love the back rest from armrest, that element made me think it wasn't Selig from my limited and exclusively remote experience.


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