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Help identifying de...

Help identifying designer on wooden brutalist wall art  


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19/02/2017 2:34 am  


I am looking for help identifying an... I guess 70's brutalist style wooden wall art sculpture? I dont really know anything about it. I just picked it up at a thrift store. I probably paid way too much especially from a thrift store but I couldnt leave the store without it.

It has a few markings on it that you can see in the photos. I have tried googling tons of different combinations of things with no success. Maybe some kids made it in wood shop 🙂 Either way I really love it.

Thanks for any thoughts or opinions

woodenartsculpture3.jpgwoodenartsculpture2.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

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23/02/2017 4:31 am  

Oh yeah it is really big too. Like 2 feet by 5 feet

Illustrious Member
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23/02/2017 3:46 pm  

I don't know what the wood-burned mark is but the white printed stuff sort of looks like Hebraic letters, and the font used for the English language words looks like one often used to mimic Hebrew letters (which in printed material always have that calligraphic look which I'm sure has a name but I have no idea what). Do a google image search for "Hebrew alphabet" to compare individual letters.

I doubt it's by a known designer but if you like it, who cares? I would take it out of that frame, though. The frame overwhelms it, in my opinion, and the burlap-covered mat looks pretty amateurish. Is the burlap even glued to the matboard? It looks loose and saggy.

Illustrious Member
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23/02/2017 4:57 pm  

I so agree with spanky, The piece would be more impressive without the frame.


Aunt M.

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23/02/2017 5:44 pm  

I would just mount it on a plain black (or just very dark--darker than the piece itself) board, bigger than the piece but not a LOT bigger. And I'd probably raise the art off the backing board a half inch or so to give it a floating effect (but make sure the floater structure is set far enough from the edges of the art that you can't see it at all). And then I'd take a photo of it and post it here! (haha) (no really, I would. We love updates here.)

Illustrious Member
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23/02/2017 5:50 pm  

Mounting it on a piece of rectangle black slate with stainless steel spacers (3"pegs) might be interesting.


Aunt Mark

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23/02/2017 7:45 pm  

Ooo, yes! I like that idea. Though that would make it super heavy to hang, but there are ways to do that nowadays.


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