I've loved this chair dearly for some time, but with young ones and lack of adequate space I'd like to find it a new home, so want to finally try and get it correctly identified.
In terms of provenance, I purchased this directly from a gentleman who got it out of the boardroom at Victor Adding Machine in Chicago, IL. He worked there until they closed and purchased quite a few things when they were clearing out the factory.
I've always thought it may be Wegner's "The Chair," but a few things leave me scratching my head. First off, the connection on the backs of the chair were always red flags, as they're flush-joined. Also, the underside of the seat is connected by screws in the corners. There is a union made sticker as well as a manufacturer order sticker that's too faded to make anything of use out. Anyone want to take a stab at identifying this beautiful chair?<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/LZk
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