Design Addict


Hans Wegner or Not?

Hans Wegner or Not?  


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31/07/2017 5:47 am  

I've loved this chair dearly for some time, but with young ones and lack of adequate space I'd like to find it a new home, so want to finally try and get it correctly identified.

In terms of provenance, I purchased this directly from a gentleman who got it out of the boardroom at Victor Adding Machine in Chicago, IL. He worked there until they closed and purchased quite a few things when they were clearing out the factory.

I've always thought it may be Wegner's "The Chair," but a few things leave me scratching my head. First off, the connection on the backs of the chair were always red flags, as they're flush-joined. Also, the underside of the seat is connected by screws in the corners. There is a union made sticker as well as a manufacturer order sticker that's too faded to make anything of use out. Anyone want to take a stab at identifying this beautiful chair?
img20170730200347-756x1008.jpgimg20170730200444-756x1008.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

Illustrious Member
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31/07/2017 6:53 am  


Vintage knockoff.

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01/08/2017 12:36 am  

Kinda what I thought. Any value to it?

Illustrious Member
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01/08/2017 12:39 am  

Sure. If you do an auction on eBay starting at $1 to attract attention, I wouldn't be surprised to see it sell for $200, perhaps even more.

Wright might even buy it and put it in their next Mass Modern auction. . .

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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01/08/2017 2:18 am  

That is funny. Just remove all the labels and tell Wright it is a Hans Wegner. That should do the trick, at least as far as getting it listed. Then as long as cdsilva here doesn't notice it, you can count on making the big bucks.


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