Does anyone recognise this chair?
I am going to pick it up (can update with more pictures - only the seller's at the moment), but I jumped on it. I think it's beautiful, and it looks distinguished, but I can't ID it immediately. Any help would be wonderful.
EDIT: could be walnut, but I bought them for the design!
Just wondering how old they are!<img class="wpforoimg" src="
I know, it was one of those half projects clearly! That will be the biggest project for me.
But it's the Vodder-like arm rests that really got me. The lady said it was stuffed with horse hair, etc, so I reckon it's the very early side of mid century, it definitely doesn't look traditional aside from the upholstery.
Looks like it is all European or English walnut to me. I have a dining set that has this type of color variation, as well as a HiFi. The European variety seems to have much more color variance, as well as much lighter tones, as compared to the North American variety. It also seems that there are many pieces that have the lighter tone all the way through the thickness, not just the outer sap wood layers. The figured arm is likely a crotch piece.
Handsome chair, once the upholstery is fixed. I agree with you Kyle, looks pretty early.
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