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Danish (?) armchair...

Danish (?) armchair ID  


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07/10/2017 9:29 pm  


I am considering buying this armchair. Not much info given by the seller except that it I supposed to be Danish and from the 80s (which I strongly doubt).

I obviously don't want to ask too many questions around possible marking.

Any idea of the designer / brand?


leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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07/10/2017 10:07 pm  

This one is actually easily recognized. Erik Buck for

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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07/10/2017 10:10 pm  

Oh, and that spot of sapwood is interesting. Maybe that indicates that it is rosewood, which is the only wood I've ever seen the Danes willing to leave sapwood in. Otherwise it does not look much like rosewood, but it is hard to say what wood it might be from those photos. Afrormosia also has sapwood that is just that contrasty, but I have only ever seen little sapwood inclusions in Afrormosia twice, and well hidden on the inside and underside, so I don't think it is that either.

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07/10/2017 11:05 pm  

Hi Leif.

Thanks for the info. I am not a huge fan of Erik Buck usually but I like this model. There are 3 of them for sale. Will see if I can get one or two.

Thanks again.

Kyle Barrett
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08/10/2017 3:26 am  

I'm not usually a huge Buck fan either, but I too think these are nice. I love the kinked side rail.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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08/10/2017 4:27 am  

Erik Buch (Buck) gets a raw deal. He actually designed some of the best known danish chairs of all time. And barstools. He also designed very interesting things for the cabinetmakers, sometimes in collaboration with Hans Olsen. There are also many factory pieces he designed that are not very well known that are quite nice, for instance the chairs he designed for Chr. Christiansen. He was certainly not the finest of the danish designers (who was anyway?), and there are plenty of points to criticize, but he was just as good as many other respected designers.

Poor guy.

I guess he gets some name recognition. Anton Borg gets left off every Arne Vodder & Anton Borg credit. And Orla M

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27/10/2017 11:10 pm  


I just noticed something that I've been flipping past for quite some time. So there are many examples where a Danish town gets confused for a company name based upon, 1) not-so-clear makers marks, 2) not-so-clear vintage documentation, and 3) the fact that many makers were named after the town in which they were located. Well, you can add another company to the list.

Kyle Barrett
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28/10/2017 2:21 am  

I feel like I'm part of a frontier when reading these forums! Always new information from you clever, dedicated people with wonderful libraries. I'd never have questioned it being '

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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28/10/2017 3:54 am  

You also have to appreciate that the town was a very important identifier to a Danish furniture company of the era. This is why it shows up so much in marks and logos. For instance CFC Silkborg, which is C.F. Christensen in Silkeborg.

If you assume that there are thousands of Christensen (and all the different spellings count as the same name), and you want to find the Christensen who owns a furniture company, you would have to look for a long time. But if you know which town to go looking, and you ask for C.F. Christensen, the furniture maker, in the town of Silkeborg you will find him. To understand it requires departing from the mindset that the name is like a trademark, and arriving at the idea that the name is a bit like a dead reckoning guide for where to go and what name and occupation to ask for.


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