I was hoping someone here has seen this chair before. I've searched under every designer I know of in Denmark and the USA and can not find an identical chair. If it helps, there is a metal rod on each of the side stretchers that rests under the chair seat to assist in support in addition to the screws. Ive included a photo of the underside of the chair. It looks like it has latex, hog/horse hair and cotton batting.<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/kF0PbBUqOhXxKN9FP
It doesn't look Danish to me. I'd guess American first, then...I don't know. The pins at the sides are unusual but this notched-out detail where the front legs meet the seat edges is even more odd. I've never noticed that on any other chair.
I'm not sure what species the wood is but it has either a dark stain or tinted clear finish--or maybe both. It may well be by a house designer or a design committee, no one of any particular note.
Great photos, by the way!
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