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This chair was manu...

This chair was manufactured by Selig…But who really is behind its design ? Ib Kofod Larsen ?  


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06/05/2015 12:26 pm  

I m about to make a move on this lounge chair but cannot find more than one count of information i would like to be checked by my fellow modernists.Thanks.

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07/05/2015 11:50 pm  

Not that there's anything wrong with that particular chair but the price is rather steep and I don't know if i'd want to support that seller after the unlicensed Craft Associates debaucle that was previously discussed on here

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08/05/2015 10:56 am  

Hi Parafo,
Please explain. What seller? what Debaucle? I m just trying to find infos about this piece i did not buy yet.

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08/05/2015 7:58 pm  

The seller of the exact red chair you posted a pic of (unless, of course, you were just using that photo as a "stock" photo of the chair)

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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08/05/2015 8:30 pm  

The manufacturer is not Selig. Selig was the retailer and importer. It is not generally known who manufactured a lot of Selig's product, although certain items like the Z Chair can reasonably be presumed to have been produced by Chr Jensen's Møbelsnedkeri. I would NOT say that extends to this chair. 
With most all of Selig's pieces, there is a certain assumption that Kofod Larsen designed them. And I tend to believe this assumption is true in a lot of cases. However Selig absolutely did import pieces by other designers.  To name a few: Poul Jensen, Arne Hovmand Olsen, Knud and Erik Christensen.  I am sure there are more, those just come to mind right now. 
So if you want to know that Kofod Larsen is the designer, you will need to find documentation that this chair is indeed a Kofod Larsen. I wouldn't pay for it as a Kofod Larsen unless I got the documentation.
And on a final note this chair does not look a lot like a Kofod Larsen.  

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11/05/2015 8:27 pm  

Hi Leif,
Thanks for your answer, much appreciated...
I explored the web for quite some time to check who is behind this design...
Any insider tip where to look at ? I tried to find a comprehensive repertory of Ib Kofod Larsen designs... there is not such a thing  ... Please help 😉

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19/05/2015 12:31 pm  

YEAHHHHHHHH !!!!! I got the chair !!!! And a proof of an authentic Ib Kofod Larsen design !!!!!!!!!!


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