Design Addict


Chair Identificatio...

Chair Identification  


New Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1
29/08/2018 1:19 pm  

Is anyone able to help identify this chair? Thank you! (apologies if this post is in the wrong category - first use of the forum!)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4376
29/08/2018 3:29 pm  

You're in the right forum section! I don't know what your chair is but it's quite possible others will recognize it. But to make things easier, it might help to post a few more view of the chair: side, back, underside---and to note anything else that might matter, such as whether the legs screw off, any marks or labels or lack thereof, etc. If you can move it to an area where there's not much stuff around to block the view, that would help too. And crouch down a bit if you can so that the camera is on the same level as the midpoint of the chair. Whatever you can do to give us viewers the best idea of what you have without seeing it in person will be really helpful.

I don't know why it is that some photos end up turned sideways here but it happens a lot. Some of mine do that and the one thing that seems to keep it from happening is if I put the photos on my desktop first and rotate them one full turn, even if they are right side up to begin with---then post them. I rarely post photos directly from my phone but it may help to do it using the Edit function--just rotate even if it shows up in the correct orientation on the phone.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4376
29/08/2018 3:32 pm  



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