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chair ID needed

chair ID needed  


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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 55
29/06/2014 10:00 am  

This a late 50's to early 60's chair. The arms are quite distinctive and I've only seen one before on the danishmodernla website. In the third picture, I have side by side another of the same chair, but just a little bit different in size and the back leg extends out more. I have seen this chair attributed to kofod larsen, but wanted to know if he did other design work/consulting to sweden or norway. Also, the chair in pictures 1 and 2 has large dowels connecting the parts while the chair in the forefront of picture 3 has the screw-socket type common to kofod larsen and selig chairs. Major bonus points to anyone who has actually definitive proof of who made/designed these chairs. Thanks and all help is much appreciated.

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