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Can you help me ID ...

Can you help me ID these Lounge Chairs? Are these beautiful shapes Wegner?  


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15/01/2020 9:19 pm  

Hi there,

I was able to adopt these chairs from my neighbors and I am in love with the shapes. 

I already did some searching/digging myself and they do remind me of some of Hans Wegners' Lounge chairs, but he doesn't seem to be the designer. Can anyone help me ID them? Would love to learn more about their history!


Heleen (the Netherlands)

This topic was modified 5 years ago by Vatelleable

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20/01/2020 11:24 am  

Interesting chairs. Did some research in the internet, but was not successful. Maybe some not very known manufacturer? Beside Wegner also some other disigners used this shape for their rockers such as Holger Georg Jensen or Fredrik A. Kayser. 

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20/01/2020 3:51 pm  

i wouldlook in the netherlands belgium   they resemble B.spruij's  and also a tiny  tiny bit gelderland  More logical  then looking for scandinavian lookalikes

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20/01/2020 4:17 pm  

i had one also see pic  foud it  near Rotterdam so i think  also given the form and construction wood type laquer its dutch



Illustrious Member Moderator
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20/01/2020 6:37 pm  

The handrests look dutch, too. I remember that bovenkamp altered a Danish design (M+S) and added similar handrests for the dutch market.

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

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24/01/2020 12:39 pm  

Ah! Thank you for the tips! The chair in the picture is quite identical indeed..

I will have a look into the Dutch designers/manufacturers you mention. M+S is a dutch manufacturer too?

Anyhow, thank you very much! Getting closer 😉

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28/01/2020 4:32 pm  

M+S is a fashion chain or boutique as far as i know not a furniture company it doesnt ring a bell Most producers out off the period of your chair used full names  like geldreland  topform  webe (i doent think its webe or coja) Cpould be ofV&D wich is a 'shoppingmall"   if youca rea dutch look at "tegednraas modern "abook by Andre Koch an othres and ypou will be suprised with the furniture in it. I think your chair like mine(wich was repainted black) has cellulose laquer  Wich was used with lower quality furnitureb

if you mean with M+S madsen and schubell? then no they designed firniture wich was prouced in licence by the dutch producer bovenkamp

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28/01/2020 4:36 pm  

M+S is a fashion chain or boutique as far as i know not a furniture company it doesnt ring a bell Most producers out off the period of your chair used full names  like geldreland  topform  webe (i doent think its webe or coja) Could be off V&D Vroom en Dreesman wich is a 'shoppingmall"   if you can read dutch look at "tegendraads modern "a book by Andre Koch and others and you will be suprised with the furniture in it. I think your chair like mine(wich was repainted black) has cellulose laquer  Wich was used with lower quality furniture

if you mean with M+S madsen and schubell? then no they designed furniture wich was produced in licence by the dutch producer bovenkamp

Illustrious Member Moderator
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28/01/2020 11:23 pm  

😀 I originally meant Madsen and Schubell. When Bovenkamp adapted their model 6 for the Dutch market, they changed the armrests in a way that seems typical for Dutch chairs. 

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)


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