Hi everyone,
Purchased this sideboard - don't have the slightest clue who the designer or manufacturer is.
Solid wood substrate, dovetailed casing, thick solid teak skirt/skis on the bottom, finished back. No stamps, just some pencil marks on the back of the shelf indicating left/right.
82.75" wide
22.5" deep
31.5" high
We purchased it with some Uldum chairs and an Uldum dining table - both Johannes Andersen.<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/7TdWaNUeTsaFSj5N
Nicely built. There was another with a dovetail joined case showing on the bottom asked about on here at some time in the last year or so. I don't remember any answers, though, but I would venture to guess that it was made by the same company. It is always good to find as many pieces by the same company as possible; it helps you eventually find an answer.
Yes, I had posted around February with pictures from the seller. Haven't been able to find anything similar.
One really unique thing is that the doors that sit in front are in the middle (no other way of putting it in, there's a stopper in the middle and only these 2 doors had the cut out to fit flush in). Normally the front doors sit far left and far right. Also the drawers inside sit on top of glides, no notch in them to glide on.
I may have to just think some random woodworker in a remote town in Denmark made it one-off. It feels like a blend of Henry Rosengren Hansen and Arne Vodder.
Can you take some photos of the inner drawer sides and slides, etc, etc. how do the shelves attach? What does the back of the piece look like? How it is attached?
I seriously doubt this is a one-off. For one, veneering a case this size strongly suggests large specialized factory tooling.
It may not be Danish. Swedish perhaps.
The interiors and undersides of a great number of Danish modern pieces are mahogany. It does appear that the interior drawer fronts are also solid mahogany, which is a bit uncommon. And I like the blind cut dovetails there. And finished on the back!
Interesting piece. Very interesting.
One way forward would be to try and match the handles and see if that leads you somewhere. Another detail to try and match would be the base, but I know of at least one fairly similar false match. (And I will point out that I have identified a sideboard before by finding another marked one with the same base and then correlating the rest of the details). I have a feeling that the company probably did not sell too many of this model si ply because it is so long, so you should probably not hope to match this exact model first. The key really is to abstract the essential details so you can find any case piece made by the company, and hope for a solid lead.
I have a Clausen & Son in the basement - night and day in quality. It has thin veneer, particle board core, etc etc. The handles are more pointed also. I've been through my 40 years of Danish furniture design books and not too many low sideboards in there. I will go through again looking at the base.
Thanks for the insight on the mahogany. I will do a bit of digging on the combination.
The chairs and table that came with it were Uldum. That said, the base of the table is this one: https://www.vntg.com/20628/dining-table-by-johannes-andersen-for-uldum-m... The top was replaced with a wider and longer rectangle and two large leaves - the top was made out of mobelplade/solid core. I have had the original Johannes table before with the original top but it only had solid teak edge and thin veneer on MDF.
Not sure if that means anything - but maybe someone knows of a producer who augmented Uldum, or an offshoot of Uldum.
Thanks again everyone.
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