@mvc Sorry, could only find this one and they couldn't ID it either. I need to lose a few pounds anyway.
Unbelievable!!! Me I googled since 100 years, and you found it within one hour only! Even if you didn't figure out the manufacturer, simply the fact you found the table on the web ... bravo!
Just one piece of strawberry cake won't create more pounds! 😎
Thanks for your input, @bdot, even though I would be very surprised about a Fritz Hansen atrribution. To be honest I can't really imagine that. But I am always grateful for surprises.
@mvc Short Bio on Le Klint website:
Henning Seidelin
Sculptor, 1904-1987
Henning Seidelin first worked as a sculptor. His naturalistic groups of figures testify to a distinct sense of mass in space, and some have bold cuts that demonstrate his sure instinct for composition. Later, Henning Seidelin became an industrial designer and created classics in cutlery, kitchen equipment and tableware, in addition to drawings for furniture, tiled stoves, etc.
@mvc Here is the marked example currently for sale if you need a pair!

@mvc’s table design was sold in early FDB catalogs and is also identifiable as a Fritz Hansen made piece by the formatting of the model number. I think I’ve also maybe seen it in old Messenger catalogs identified directly as FH. Someone posted it to this forum years ago and I never forgot it even though I never could find the post again!). The teak and oak combo is also consistent with that time period. And the lack of a FH stamp indicates that it was sold by a retailer.
It was my boyfriend who posted the table a couple of years ago, but nobody had any idea then.
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