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Age of Wegner Wishb...

Age of Wegner Wishbone chair with no label/stamp?  


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28/08/2018 10:51 pm  


I have recently acquired this Wishbone chair. I believe it is an original but there is no Carl Hansen mark. I have looked on this forum and others but am wondering if anybody can confirm that this could be an original even without the Hansen stamp/label? The only markings are a capital E in pencil and a stamped EK93. If it is an original can anyone advise on age, and also on the wood treatment? I think it may be fumed oak but I have never seen this treatment before so can't identify, to me it looks like a stain and the wood under the paper cord is natural. Many thanks.
picsart08-28-073825-01.jpegpicsart08-28-072744-01.jpeg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

Illustrious Member
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28/08/2018 11:44 pm  

Hi. If Carl Hansen did not change their coding, your chair was produced in 1993 (EK = code for the carpenter that did the chair; 93 = production year).

And the wood looks like stained beech to me.

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29/08/2018 11:08 am  

Thank you DrPoulet.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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29/08/2018 7:24 pm  

It is definitely beech, but it was not originally stained. That was done at home by a former owner. And it is probably impossible to get out, as it will be discovered that it has soaked in in certain places very deeply.


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