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Age of Chair Based ...

Age of Chair Based on Carl Hansen Labels  


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11/04/2017 6:48 pm  

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11/04/2017 7:59 pm  

There have been discussions about dating Wishbones here in the past, I think.

Each chair has an incised number that identifies the person who built the chair. The person who wove the seat signed one of the seat rails with his or her initials. I know that on some Wegner chairs the year of manufacture is also incised in two-digit form but not sure if this is the case with Wishbones. I'm pretty sure it's all here somewhere if you want to dig around for it.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 5660
12/04/2017 1:03 am  

It is not a particularly early label. I am not sure when the DFC club ended, but I would guess the late 70s or 80s sometime. I would generally guess no earlier than the mid 1960s, but both of these dates can probably be refined with some research. You might ask Carl Hansen. And let us know here. There are plenty who are curious about this sort of thing as well.


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