Today I picked up three rosewood dining chairs at a thrift store here in Sweden and I want to find out who designed and made them plus establish how they looked when new.
They have been reupholstered several times judging by the staple holes on the bottom of the seats and they were covered in some fabric close to the Green Lantern´s clothes which will have to go. I removed the green on of the chairs to find a lighter fabric although very dirty.
The frames are made of rosewood and I suspect they have been repaired and glued at some point of time but they will clean up nicely with some elbow grease.
However, the backrests have been painted brown and it looks like they are made of some lighter colored wood/plywood and all three backrests have the same indentations on the front which makes me believe that they originally were upholstered. I am not sure of this by any means but think so.
One of the chairs has a Made in Denmark stamp but that is the only marking I have found so far.
So if any of you knowledgeable members knows anything about these chairs, please fill me in!
I want to restore them to as close as original as possible so any help is very much appreciated!
JD<img class="wpforo-default-image
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