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Unknown rare France...

Unknown rare France (&son) Furniture Denmark office chair - Design by Finn Juhl?  


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25/07/2015 9:40 pm  

Hello everyone, I'm Michael from Germany (next to Frankfurt) and collecting design items since nearly two years. A few days ago I've bought this rare leather office chair. I can't find any identic chair by searching the internet. It is made by "France Furniture Denmark" but I'm wondering about the missing &son / &daverkosen addition. The supports of the arm rests and the base are made of aluminium. In my oppinion the seat and back rest looks similar to the "Diplomat Chair" by Finn Juhl, which I owned a year ago. Also the quality and feel of the leather surface is nearly identic to those Diplomat Chairs. The original paper label gives following informations: - Manufacturer: France Furniture Denmark - Ordre nr. 10140 - Laeder 58 - Model 208 saede Do you have any ideas of production date, name of the chair and finally the designer? I'm hopefully you can give me some informations and apologize for my english. 😉 Thanks Michael
<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wpforoimg" src="

Illustrious Member
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01/09/2014 3:59 am  

You don't see to many of these but they do pop up from time to time. They are usually described as Finn Juhl. The label says Model 208 so that would be a good place to start looking.
The upholstery tag says France Furniture, this was a standard label that was sown onto the underside of a lot of France & Son furniture. The label also has the France & Son logo incase there was any ambiguity.
I would guess production could be anywhere from the late 50's to late 60's, without the usual metal tag it is hard to date.
Nice chair.

New Member
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 1
25/07/2015 6:39 pm  

Well, you can read more reviews on ReviewKid website as well. Alternatively, you can check this


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