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Unknown palisander ...

Unknown palisander sideboard  


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Posts: 1
29/12/2015 4:09 pm  

I just board this rosewood/palisander sideboard. I am curious if it is made by a "designer" at all or it was just good marketing by the seller.
The seller said it could be Fin Juhl, but I am pretty sure it is not as the legs and sides are not close to Fin Juhl in my opinion. Unfortunately, there is no brand/sticker on it. It has two tambour doors.
Thanks a lot for any information about the designer, producer and period.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 2057
29/12/2015 6:11 pm  

My thoughts:
1) 98-99% of the things I've seen listed as "could be designed by XXXXXX" are not. Most of those fall in the "clearly not designed by XXXXXX". That quickly puts that seller into one of three categories:
a) clueless about the design, and reckless with listing wording,
b) somewhat knowledgeable about the design, and hoping that they have something more valuable than it actually is, or
c) fully aware of what the design is (or is not), and purposefully using qualifying language in the listing to trick buyers into overpaying for the piece.
2) Anytime that a designer's name is misspelled by a seller, that is an indication that the seller might not be the best source of information for that piece.
3) Those circular hole pulls for the drawers are not that common. Maybe an extensive Google search for "credenza" "sideboard" or "buffet" might turn up similar examples that would help your ID effort.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 5660
30/12/2015 3:16 am  

Is it possible that the legs were sawed off? Something about the proportions makes me think they were a bit longer.
If you look on the bottom, and the legs are the original length, you ought to see marks in the wood from the lathe.
And if they have been sawed off, it would be likely to see kerf marks from a not very clean, professional sawing and perhaps a bit of chip out from when the saw got all the way through.


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