Hi,I've had two Swedish side tables for some years now. As can be seen in one of the photos, they're labeled 'Tingstroms'. They have teak tops and what I believe are birch legs. Does anyone know who the designer was? Thanks for any ideas on this.<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wpforoimg" src=" http://old.designaddict.com/sites/default/files
I dug a little on this side. I was curious because I could not identify Tingströms with any designer.
There was a semi-famous Swedish designer named Folke Olsson who Tingströms produced for. Olsson was actually pretty unique. He is one of a few Swedes who actually had Danish producers whereas you find quite a few Danes who produced in Sweden. If you were a Swede, you probably had to be pretty for the Danes to produce your stuff.
There is a model of side table called "Frisco" designed by Olsson for Tingström, but they are quite different from yours. I have seen other side tables for Tingström attributed to Olsson but that could be sloppy attribution.
I don't find your table with a designer attribution. It could be that Tingström designed themselves. This is not unheard of with producers.
You might try asking the person with this catalog:
Thank-you ScanDesign and Leif for looking into this. I agree, it looks like these tables were designed by an anonymous designer inhouse at Tingstrom. Fascinating to look at the brochure Leif linked to. The design of the coffee table in a couple of the pictures is definitely the same as these side tables- a very clean simple style. Thanks again.
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