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Swirled Amber Resin...

Swirled Amber Resin Sculpture - Please Help Me Identify  


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Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 1
24/04/2015 8:33 am  

I Picked this up at an estate sale in Phoenix, AZ. It is made of extremely dense translucent resin (lucite?) that has has a cracked/swirled effect that is just amazing when the light passes through it. The torso has nice anatomical proportions and has a chiseled and variegated surface.It measures about 18 inches high and it is about 11 inches wide at its widest point (shoulders). The piece is quite solid and weighs an amazing 27 pounds!! It has a felted bottom. Unfortunately, there are no maker marks on this piece and I was unable to turn up anything about it.
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