Design Addict


Please help me ID t...

Please help me ID this piece of art  


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17/05/2007 1:47 am  

I recently saw on a design website an article featuring award-winning green alien-like plastic bar stools! I'm sure most of you have seen them also, but can anyone tell me who is the designer and what they are called and also where I may purchase them, assuming of course they have even been manufactured yet for retail!?

Illustrious Member
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17/05/2007 2:07 am  

Do you mean these?..
Clay furniture..Maaten Baas.

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18/05/2007 1:17 am  

no, do they look like green...
no, do they look like green alien-like bar stools to you?

Illustrious Member
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18/05/2007 1:31 am  

dont have a sarcsm attack!.Maybe if you were intelligent enough to mark the site you had seen them on you wouldnt have to ask.

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18/05/2007 12:52 pm  

I am sorry for appearing...
I am sorry for appearing rude and / or sarcastic that was not meant, but had i remembered or been able to find the site i saw them on there would have been little need to post my question.
Perhaps had you used your intelligence, assuming you have any of course and having read your two posts i beg to differ, then you could have saved yourself posting two utterly worthless replies.
Danka darling.

Illustrious Member
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19/05/2007 8:22 pm  

euan, I'm going to offer you a tip my grandmother gave me...
when I was very young. She said, "Child, when you are asking for help, be polite and nice and people will usually give it to you. Be rude and demanding and they will almost surely turn away...after slapping you." 🙂
This seems a misunderstanding of Vivienne's intentions. I know Vivienne a bit virtually, and while she has a ripping good sense of humor about herself and others, I do not think she meant you harm.
We all get disciplined here once in awhile. I took a mild reeming recently for posting a picture of a ghastly looking chair and wondering if it might have been designed by someone of note. As I look back on it, I can't fault them for having been appalled. The term faux paux exists for a reason. We all commit them occassionally.
When one's original request is something of a shot in the dark, one can't expect the guesses at what you mean to be on target all the time, and there is, frankly, room left in this world for poking a little fun. I think if you pocket your verbal knives and elaborate upon what you're searching for, you're quite apt to get a response that will help you.
Be of good cheer.

Illustrious Member
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19/05/2007 10:28 pm  

After this free tip from...
a grandmother...
I always thought that this looked like a, must be the other way around, when I think about aliens, I imagine this...
it comes in green!

Illustrious Member
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20/05/2007 12:09 am  

I never imagined that before. What a beautiful stool. It should be used in a futuristic movie ASAP. I do have an irreverent and chronically practical thought to add.
This seating surface ought to be made custom for the most discriminating buyers. By this I mean, it ought to be made of one of the kinds of material that when slightly heated becomes impressionable. I think you know where I'm going here. One comes in for a custom fitting. The seat is heated and you sit on it with some kind of heat resistant underware and sink in just enough to leave a perfect posterior impression. Voila, your own custom bar stool. 🙂

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20/05/2007 1:00 am  

DCWilson - thank you for...
DCWilson - thank you for taking the time to offer both your own and your grandmothers advice. A wise lady she is indeed. I have read it, taken it onboard and will consider what you have written. However, i would never promote the idea of attacking a child no matter how frustrated one is at their apparent lack of manners. I find the very thought of physically lashing out in anger at another human being absolutely abhorrent and trust you too share my strong beliefs on this matter.
I believe my original post was polite, respectful, fairly concise and hopefully provided enough information to obtain the answer i still seek. In hindsight i should not have appeared ungrateful or sarcastic and i again apologise if my comment was misinterpreted. I perhaps wrongly assumed the respondee was using this as a platform to promote a product for their own commercial gain.
The description i gave involved several key clues (green, plastic, alien-like, award-winning and stools). The respondee, who very kindly, generously and above all timeously offered their help to attempt to identify the stools for me, however returned an answer that completely vexed me - a clay seat.
Having further researched your cyber acquaintances' previous posts i find their input to be, on occassions, unnecessarily critical and in one post even intolerant of the availibilty of affordable design for people on lower incomes and from less priviledged backgrounds. Moreover, her second post to me included an unprecedented personal and scathing attack on my own intelligence which i thought was unnecessarily malicious, cruel and above all completely pointless. I forgive her.
The only further clues that i can offer at this time are that i believe the designer may have been Spanish, the stools may have had a small section of orange on them, they were bright green in colour and were approx 3 ft tall. The usually excellent algorithms at Google have so far failed to return the answer i am looking for. Frankly, i think my bridges have been burnt on this forum and I may be forced to try elsewhere!
Should i find them, and I am confident I shall one day soon, I will return and provide a link as they are truly unique.
Thanks to all those who may have looked for me.

Estimable Member
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20/05/2007 1:11 am  

your alien stool
Euan (chinese for money, yes?):
I found your stool just by looking it up on this very important design database - quite easy actually. You may also purchase more of these through the site - you are so lucky.
Thanks for the challenge.

Illustrious Member
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20/05/2007 1:38 am  

I wish
that "alien" had a meaning that was universal and easily interpreted -- with all due respect I don't believe that it does.
Perhaps other descriptors would have been helpful: number of legs (if any), curved or angular form, presence or absence of a foot rest, shape of seat, etc etc. . .

Illustrious Member
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20/05/2007 2:38 am  

I'm with you about nonviolence. My nickname is Ghandi G. Well, not really, but I am an advocate of nonviolent confrontation; that's why I posted to you in the first place. I find nonviolent confrontation with good persons brings out the best in them and exposes the worst in bad ones rather quickly. It seems to have brought out the best in you.
FWIW, I always figured my granny was just telling me the truth about the world; that there are alot of persons who believe in slapping kids (and adults) and you better watch out. So far, from what I've seen in life and on the news, I'd say she perhaps understated the risk. 🙁
Regardless, you seem an interesting, honorable person and I look forward to your comments and thoughts on design.
Vivienne seems so, too, though I dare not speak for such a bawdy hellcat. Look at it this way, she cares about design, drives a Lotus Exige and even claims to have found ways to make love in it. No doubt the Mahatma would have found a role for her in his army of peace...and for you. There can never be too many nonviolent designers. 🙂
I think you will both get on famously in the future.
I on the other hand, will have to put up with yet another person with more talent and taste than myself.
No good deed goes completely unpunished.

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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20/05/2007 2:49 am  

DC is right about Vivienne of course........
But our lovely Lady was trying to help
you want a green alien stool ?
try here


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