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PBS makers mark

PBS makers mark  

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15/05/2011 6:46 am  

Hi, Just wondering if anyone could shed some light on who PBS are? Seen a really nice coffee table with a circular stamp with the letter PBS in the middle, alongside the standard 'made in denmark' line. Any help gratefully received! Thanks Ben

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18/05/2011 7:18 pm  

Maybe a picture will help...

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19/05/2011 3:48 am  


Illustrious Member
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19/05/2011 6:49 am  

Maker's Mark .
(edited by DA - picture unavailable)

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19/05/2011 4:30 pm  

Thanks guys
Glad to get that sorted....
In the unlikely event that the coffee table wasn't made by either of these companies, does anyone have an alternative suggestion?

Illustrious Member
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19/05/2011 10:00 pm  

Honey, you are missing our attempt at humor to make a point.
The DA community is BOMBARDED with requests, sometimes even hostile demands, that we do your research for you. And we are tired of it. Just look at the recent threads and you'll see just how many are asking us to do this...and for free.
Although many here are quite expert, for just as many this kind of thing is their livelihood. It's not respectful to come here and expect to get your questions answered for free. Time after time one of our members, Fastfwd, has shown how a well-crafted Google inquiry will bring precisely the answer required.
The DA community comes here to discuss design not provide research and appraisal services. I'm not meaning to offend or insult you, you certainly are one of the more polite requestors of information, but the whole 'tell me what this' is thing has really gotten to be a major drag!
Good Luck with your search.

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20/05/2011 12:24 am  

Think that traditional UK/US irony detection failure may have occured again
Hi Olive,
Humour was very much noted, and responded in kind!
I appreciate and respect your angle on this, however as a community it is natural to discuss issues openly, as the knowledge may benefit more than just one person.
In this instance, this is a mark I have come across frequently but have struggled to identify. I have of course searched the forum, and google but as google has recently shown with it major roll out of new algorithms, search ain't always all that.
In my dealings I've been polite and respectful - if people have time and knowledge that they wish to impart then great. If not, well then there's no compulsion to open ID threads - they're normally pretty well labelled and easy to avoid.
My personal view is that such a community will be a blend of give and take. Everyone has a different level of knowledge. A newbie can learn a lot from threads like this. Even experienced heads can learn something new sometimes. I try to contribute in both ways, but as someone who falls much more into the 'newbie' category I have had, to date, limited opportunity.
Hopefully one day I could help someone like you. Until then, if you don't mind, I'll carry on engaging with the helpful and interesting people here.

Eminent Member
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20/05/2011 12:27 am  

As another new user of this f...
As another new user of this forum, this post brings up a point I've been wondering about -- when are requests to assist in identifying objects welcome, and when are they not? Reading the forum guidelines would lead a new user to believe that they ARE welcome:
"3. Requests to identify objects are welcome as long as the object is
believed to be modern, post-modern or contemporary (no antiques). You may
ask for help identifying an object?s designer, producer, period, style,
material etc. ? but not its commercial value. "
While I can understand frustration with people utilizing the help offered on this forum without contributing to the discussion (and I'm this category so far), it seems that there is a conflict here between the stated forum guidelines and reality.

Famed Member
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20/05/2011 1:01 am  

ModineMod - I don't think...
ModineMod - I don't think there's anything wrong with asking for help with an ID. I've done it, and I've also answered questions a couple times. I don't think people on here withhold knowledge. Lots of times people just don't know the answer.
I'm pretty new around here myself, but I do try to be an active participant in this forum. I've found out answers to some of my questions on my own, and then I'll reactivate the thread to share the knowledge with the forum. I think what Olive is saying is that it is annoying that so many requests for an ID come from people who aren't active participants, don't contribute at all, just want to get something for free. And then some of these folks really cross the line by getting annoyed when they don't get an answer to their request immediately.
On a side note, it amazes me how many views each thread here gets compared to the number of folks who actually take part in discussions!

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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20/05/2011 1:30 am  

Too many drive by ID's and re...
Too many drive by ID's and readers and not enough substance. Too much take, little contribution. Not to say that ID's aren't welcomed, just the substance of, and motivation for aren't always welcomed.
I know Google isn't as resourceful as it once is still revealing. Like when random new members request ID's, only to learn their hidden motive is selling it...which is tacky in its own way. The kind of thing regular contributors to DA get tired of. See link below.

Eminent Member
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20/05/2011 1:45 am  

Thanks gene. I know what...
Thanks gene. I know what you mean about the total number of page views vs. the number of people who actually comment on threads. I'm a serial lurker myself, but I'm trying to get better!

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20/05/2011 1:57 am  

Buying not selling
Hi Woofwoof,
Agreed that would be a bit sly - however, I'm interested in buying that table (and finding out more information about it) not selling it. I've also seen a number of other coffee tables that have that ID recently too.
As I think I stated above, I think its about a trade - I'm not just trying to drag information out of people, nor have I expressed frustration with a lack of an ID, nor reacted negatively in anyway at all.
Slightly concerned with the way this is mushroom-ing though...

Illustrious Member
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20/05/2011 3:41 am  

I don't think that there's a disconnect with the stated forum guidelines
Rather it is more like what gene and woowoof allude to. Too many takes and not enough shares. People ask over and over, and sometimes about stuff that has been exhaustively covered in other threads, which of course, were not searched for. Granted the search engine here is a bit wonky but, it works far more times than it doesn't.
It gets to us; that's all. My personal expertise is in color, and I used to answer in a very detailed way about choosing and using color and then I just gave up. I just burned out on replying to the same stuff that someone could have found volumes of info about if they'd just tried. Not to say that you are a lazy sod like some of these folks.
As I said above, benemm, you are far more polite and far more interested in contributing than the average 'tell me what this is' poster.

Illustrious Member
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20/05/2011 9:58 pm  

Maybe... would be a good idea set up a sub-section in the forum purely for ID's? So those who are happy to help ID furniture can do so freely and those who don't can avoid.
From my personal experience (I'm fairly new) I have found that when I genuinely need help here, I get the odd rude response, and a few sarcastic ones. I DO however get help from some genuinely great and helpful contributors. Although I don't post often, and when I do it's usually to ID, I check this forum each day as it interests me. I don't usually contribute though because my knowledge of MCM is still in it's infancy, but I still read the threads with interest.

Famed Member
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21/05/2011 12:43 am  

danielmpoole - a large...
danielmpoole - a large percentage of the threads on here require no special knowledge of MCM to participate. Not intending to call you out, personally -- just generally speaking, I don't think that's a legitimate reason to lurk and never participate.
I don't think it's a bad idea to have a separate place for all the ID threads. A lot of forums have a "sticky" thread that stays at the top of the list for those type of topics that continually come up. This forum doesn't seem to have that capability though, does it?

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