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Mystery #2 : Danish...

Mystery #2 : Danish teak room divider / wall unit  

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11/09/2016 8:49 pm  

Very nicely made, nice case construction, finished all around. It's marked "Made in Denmark" but no other marks. I saw a 1st Dibs dealer calling it Kurt Ostervig, but I'm 99.99% sure that it's not and that they are just guessing that because of the similar splayed-leg standards. Ostervig's are quite different, though. The fastener systems are different, too. Any thoughts?
P.S. Leif, I took lots of detailed construction photos for you 🙂
<img class="wpforo-default-image

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11/09/2016 8:52 pm  

more photos...

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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12/09/2016 12:42 am  

I know who made it. I know who designed it. I know what it was called. It's an obscure one but everyone knows the designer.
Quiz time!

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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12/09/2016 12:48 am  

Oh, and thank you for the multitude of photos. I didn't realize I knew what this was until a random photo jogged my memory.

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12/09/2016 12:59 am  

oooooh, tell us!

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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12/09/2016 1:05 am  

Bring your guesses ladies and gents. (Proof even exists out in the wild on the Internet.)
Drinks are on me. Step right up!

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12/09/2016 1:22 am  

Ooh, ooh: Arne Vodder for Vamo?

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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12/09/2016 1:28 am  

no and no.

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12/09/2016 1:43 am  

Well now we're really curious. When you said "everyone knows the designer" we started looking and found this:
But they are wrong, huh?

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12/09/2016 1:50 am  

Gunni Omann???

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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12/09/2016 2:14 am  

Yes that seller was completely wrong. It was not designed by Vodder and Borg for Vamo. And you were right to be suspicious of the Kurt Østervig nonsense, because it is also wrong. And not Gunni Omman either.
So we've knocked 4 names off the list: Arne Vodder, Anton Borg, Kurt Østervig, and Vamo Møbelfabrik.
Let me drop another hint to the drinkers waiting in line: you know the name of the designer, but not for designs such as this.
Step right up, guess and drink!

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12/09/2016 2:22 am  

I don't have a drink in my hand yet, maybe that's why I'm not getting it. 😉

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12/09/2016 2:22 am  

We initially thought maybe Svend Madsen, because the profile of the standards are so similar to the legs of two cabinets we have, but I could not find anything.
Is this a designer who normally does not do case pieces?

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12/09/2016 2:23 am  


leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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12/09/2016 3:31 am  

Absolutely you should have a drink. We must have some other guessers out there. I can tell they are all queued up thinking about it.
Fortunately the list of possible guesses is so very long.
I think that Svend Aage was a most excellent guess. He would conform to my hint in many ways, and stylistically there is a plausibility, but no. And definitely not Quistgaard, but yes he would conform to my hint.

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