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Maker of end table?

Maker of end table?  


Vintage Rod
Trusted Member
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 74
15/06/2015 7:41 am  

I'm curious if anyone can help me identify the maker of this table? I believe I can see the outline of where a makers label/sticker may have once been. There is a date stamped in really small letters. It's "April 20, 1962"

The table is solid walnut.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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15/06/2015 8:22 am  

Considering how the legs were screwed into the top, the maker did not understand wood movement. And it is surprising that it is still in one piece. Probably there were many more of these 50 years ago but they split down the middle and got thrown out.
Perhaps it was kept in an environment with fairly constant humidity?

Vintage Rod
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Posts: 74
15/06/2015 5:34 pm  

I can't speak to it's history, but it shows no signs of damage or repair. The leg mounts interested me, as well. Not that there is any connection, but I noticed some Paul Mccobb tables that use the same approach. I think they were part of what was referred to as the "planner" group. Again, not suggesting this table is, in any way, a part of that. Just referring to the leg design.


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