Design Addict


Lounge Chairs ID Pe...

Lounge Chairs ID Pearsall Style Legs  


Reputable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 102
08/04/2012 5:23 am  

I saw these chairs at the Swap Meet today, I didn't purchase them because they were so incredibly filthy. I did love the style of legs on these chairs. The legs remind me of some legs that his sofas had.
My question is are these just generic period knock offs or are these by another designer? I check the bottom but they had obviously been reupholstered in that god awful fabric and had no original labels.
Also they were 60 bucks for the pair and by the time I had circled around they were gone. Still not sure if I would have gotten them.
Last note, the swoop style legs are only on the front end the back has normal square peg legs that are built into the chair.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 4376
08/04/2012 7:32 pm  

I don't think
it's Pearsall. He did a lot of legs like that front thing but they were always on the side.
I like the rest of the chair's style but that thing in the front just looks like it should be on the side. It makes me think that the designer was trying to do something different but all he could think of was to do a 90 degree turn on the leg base shape that others had already done. I want to take it off and stick it on the side along with another one---or just trash it and put some tapered legs on the front. I think you did well to keep walking.


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