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Industrial chair ID...

Industrial chair ID pattent 559558  


Trusted Member
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18/03/2011 12:52 pm  

Does anyone knows who has designed or produced this chair?
its signed pattent 559558 underside of the chair.

many thx for looking and replying!

Noble Member
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18/03/2011 3:32 pm  

very interesting chair,
any other info besides the patent #? i can't stop looking at it, but ive been accused by many as "too eccentric"{including my own parents!!}, so what the hell do i know....ive always had an affinity towards the more industrial styled items....................

Honorable Member
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18/03/2011 3:51 pm  

I share the same facination...
I share the same facination for Industrial design Matty.
Its a really cool chair but sorry, can't help:-(

Trusted Member
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Posts: 60
18/03/2011 9:16 pm  

hi all you chair lovers ;-),...
hi all you chair lovers ;-),
no extra signs etc found. just the pattent number but this doesnt makes me any smarter 😉

Illustrious Member
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18/03/2011 9:21 pm  

The way the back
post attaches to the seat suggests that it may be adjustable, forward and back. Is this the case ?
Is it a US patent ? Somehow I doubt that -- the number is way too low for any US patent issued in the last half century, I believe. Perhaps it is a patent issued by another country ?

Illustrious Member
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18/03/2011 9:28 pm  

For instance,
F L Wright received US patent # 2,124,189 for a glazing system for the Johnson Wax headquarters, on July 26, 1938.

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19/03/2011 1:27 am  

its not...
its not adjustable
only armrest could be screwed off
guess its a european pattent but didnt find any good resources to find it out.
could be Italian German French Dutch etc etc... 😉

Illustrious Member
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19/03/2011 2:30 am  

It's a Belgian patent.
Assigned to one J. Verhulst, of Brussels, in 1957. The patent is for a method of upholstering the back of your chair by capturing the edge of the upholstery between two concentric shells.
The original text of the patent:
Pour cette nouvelle technique il faut disposer,par exemple pour un dossier de chaise,de deux coquilles, à bords emboutis,de la forme du dossier que l'on désire réaliser:soit les coquilles A et B,qui s'emboitent le B dans le A avec un certain jeu;ce jei est déterminé par l'épaisseur du tissu. ou cuir ou plastic et de l'épaisseur du rembourrage dont on veut garnir le dossier.De plus B peut être maintenu dans A à l'aide des vis C et D ou par sertissage ou rivets ou tout autre moyen.
Le garnissage se fait comme suit :la coquille A est recouverte R- d'une épaisseur de rembourrage(latex par exemple) ainsi que du tissu de garnissage G;ensuite~la coquille B est poussée dans la coquille A;de ce fait le garnissage est emprisonné entre les deux coquilles;l'on peut à ce moment placer les vis C et D.
Le garnissage de ce dossier est terminé et présentera une face et les côtés garnis de tissu et la seconde face sera constituée par la coquille B ,qui préalablement aura été décorée.
Revendications : Technique de garnissage employant des coquilles à bords emboutis ;les coquilles en s'emboitant l'une dans l'aut- re,fixent la garniture et le rembourrage .

Trusted Member
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Posts: 60
19/03/2011 11:01 am  

many many thx! where did you...
many many thx! where did you find this?
really interesting!


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