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ID this weird huge ...

ID this weird huge dutch monster chair  


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04/07/2014 2:44 am  

Know enough.

Illustrious Member
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04/07/2014 11:27 pm  

High back
reminds me of pieces by Montis.

Illustrious Member
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05/07/2014 12:30 am  

I'd guess that it's not so much that your guests hate the chair, but how it relates to your other pieces.
It may have been inspired by this "classic" Mourgue Djinn Chair.

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05/07/2014 6:09 am  


Illustrious Member
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05/07/2014 11:57 pm  

I see an ironing board and some department store junk and enough of your home environment to make some probably fairly accurate assumptions about your style, and perhaps other things too. I don't mention this as a necessarily negative criticism or to be snarky, but there are plenty of indicators to be interpreted through people's possessions. "You are not what you own"? Ha.
Obviously this is all ultimately pointless. Inexplicably, we march onward.

Illustrious Member
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07/07/2014 3:03 am  

Dear Schoon,
Please read more carefully.
It might also be advisable to further edit your most recent post, as it sort of conveys the impression that you are unnecessarily defensive, and perhaps a bit short of self-esteem.

Famed Member
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07/07/2014 3:05 am  

objectworship, it looks like...
objectworship, it looks like a bit of a junk room. I have one too that will eventually be remodeled but for right now, it holds all the junk that doesn't work with my modern décor. I don't really use the room much so don't feel all that inclined to spend tons of money decorating it. It is also the cat litter box room, the room where I hang hand-wash clothes to dry, and storage for my marine aquarium junk (buckets of salt, water test kits, etc). Don't judge an entire space on one room. I started out with all my college furniture and have slowly remodeled my rooms as time went on. I couldn't afford to just go out and buy entire rooms of vintage mid-century modern furniture. I bought piece-by-piece. I would hate to hear your opinion on me if you saw my bedroom which is next on the list to be remodeled. It is currently filled with modern-style furniture from West Elm that I got for free when my brother-in-law married my sister. Before that it had my childhood bedroom set which is by no means anywhere near modern. Don't judge an entire space based on one room.

Famed Member
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07/07/2014 3:10 am  

objectworship, I read it the...
objectworship, I read it the same we he did. That you were putting down his sense of style based on one small room you saw in his pic.
That said, schoon, I personally do not care for the looks of the chair. It is not something I would ever chose to buy. However, if it is from your grandparents and has a certain nostalgia based on that and you like it, then keep it. I have a couple tacky knick-knacks lying around that I keep specifically because they are pieces I got from my grandma and remind me of the fun times I had there.

Illustrious Member
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07/07/2014 4:05 am  

I understand all that, and I haven't actually put anybody down.
I haven't pronounced any judgement either, but I think I've been proven for the most part correct in any assumptions I've made through perception.
Middle class people tend to be pretty touchy about their class status...

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07/07/2014 4:21 am  

Thanks for your time...
Thanks for your time objectworship. I didn't like being judged on my spare junkroom. People putting down others on the internet are usually very high class individuals.
I know enough about my grandparents chair now so I won't be checking this forum anymore. Enjoy your high class environment.

Illustrious Member
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07/07/2014 4:51 am  

Objectworship is one person here,
and by no means does he or she speak for everyone.
I can see how some people would think that your chair is unattractive, but I can also see how others would find it appealing. And it really does look very comfortable! I have no idea who made it but I think a colorful, interesting pillow or throw could go a long way towards giving it more general appeal.
PS - my whole place is a junk room right now thanks to my kitchen renovation that isn't quite finished. Soon...

Illustrious Member
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07/07/2014 5:25 am  

I have seen that type of chair before...
... it's called a 'Prole's Chair'. Not sure who designed it, though.

Noble Member
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10/07/2014 10:15 am  

IT looks like a couch ive...
IT looks like a couch ive seen made by De sede which is a company based out of Switzerland
Maybe they did this lounge as well


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