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ID on this sideboar...

ID on this sideboard if possible. Is it Poul Hundevad for Jensen and Herning  


Etch Interiors
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Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 7
17/10/2016 10:41 pm  

Just wondering if anyone can help ID this sideboard. Someone who is a lot more knowledgeable than me has identified it as the above, but being someone who likes to garner as much info as possible, I have looked further into it but not found much.
I haven't been able to re-ID the handles, and the legs/stretcher look a little primitive, but my learned friend thinks this may mean its a fairly early design.
Any help/thoughts would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Jim (@Etch)

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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Posts: 5660
17/10/2016 11:00 pm  

Sorry, there is ever so much wrong with that "identification."
Let's start with "Jensen and Herning." I am going to guess that nonsense comes from this listing:
Metro Retro apparently does not even know how to read a label. The Jensen and Herning part is complete nonsense. The company name for that label is Ærthøj Jensen & Mølholm. It was named after the co-founders of the company: Jens Ærthøj Jensen and Tage Mølholm. Herning is the town in Denmark where it was located.
Next, there is also, inexplicably, a Hundevad and Co label on the same piece. This is NOT Poul Hundevad's company. Poul Hundevad's company went by his own name, and Poul Hundevad was one of those sorts of factory owners who designed for himself. He was not a an architect who designed for other makers.
And finally, I would not really believe that your piece is Hundevad and Co, nor Ærthøj Jensen + Mølholm. Those handles are very generic, and not a reliable way of positively identifying a maker.


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