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ID Help Mid-Century...

ID Help Mid-Century Wire Dome Shade Floor Lamp  


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25/09/2013 1:13 am  

Anyone ever seen a lamp like this or have any info on the manufacturer? There's an underwriters laboratories label but the numbers on it have been no help. thanks!

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25/09/2013 2:17 am  

I'm sorry
I don't. But just for future reference, the Underwriters Laboratories sticker is a general item that's on almost every lamp ever made. It's kind of an inspection sticker, saying that certain parts (mainly the sockets and wiring setup) are good when they leave the factory.
It really won't get you anywhere checking just that. Sometimes though, the name of the company is also on that decal, so then it helps. I have a Chapman lamp right now that had their name on the UL sticker, which I don't see very often. Sometimes the company sticker can be on the sockets themselves, or stamped on the harp, though yours doesn't appear to have one.

Illustrious Member
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25/09/2013 12:47 pm  

Why... these people find it so hard to put a picture with their ID request? Is it that they are not only too lazy to research it themselves but too lazy to read the very simple instructions?
Link just goes to instagram homepage btw

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25/09/2013 7:10 pm  

the link
goes to the image. i wasn't too lazy to do the research...i just had zero luck finding anything out which is WHY I POSTED HERE.

Illustrious Member
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25/09/2013 7:28 pm  

It does now you edited it
and ANYWAY as any reasonably intelligent person can see its perfectly possible to put the picture in your id request without making the people whose help you want follow a link to (sometimes) God knows where. And fyi it looks very much like your lamp is missing part of its shade.

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25/09/2013 8:06 pm  

Paulanna sits on a high horse
because she is always right of course.
With a stick up her ass
she can be quite crass.
Manners, her parents, never forced.

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25/09/2013 9:20 pm  

That was the best haiku I've ever heard in my life. Man was that funny...:)
But Paulanna does have a good point on the one part. I am scared to death to click on links that we have no idea where they lead. We trust these links, and the people posting them, but we have no idea where they could be taking us. One wrong link and your computer could be crashed, hacked, or the FBI could be knocking at your door the next morning with a swat team. Certain names we know, and trust, but what about all these others that could just be trolling for destruction?
Also, I don't believe the shade even goes to that lamp. Or the finial rod. I believe it just takes those giant pop art light bulbs.

Illustrious Member
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25/09/2013 9:37 pm  

How utterly devastating chairlove. Feeble minded doggerel from an imbecile. Tell me what's your secret?
Fine if you think its Ok for people to constantly use this forum to identify their crap without even affording users the basic courtesy of following the very basic instructions. Its 2013 not 1998. Here's to many more years of missing and massive pictures then, chairselflove prefers it that way

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25/09/2013 10:03 pm  

Now that is a cool word! I'll have to remember that.
Paulanna, if you feel that people haven't posted a picture in the correct way- don't reply to their post. It's that easy. And I don't think the stuff people post here is crap(for the most part). Give some of these new users some slack. I didn't know how to drive a car for the first time even with instructions.

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25/09/2013 10:18 pm  

I think Paulanna's point
about not knowing where the links go is valid. It happens all the time. On this rug forum I'm on, it keeps getting slammed by trolls with new user names posting Nike ads, and links to them. In the middle of a rug forum. They'll get banned, and the next day here's another username, and another Nike link.
Not everyone is a 'new' user, posting as if they just learned the computer for the first time here. We would like to be optimistic, but it is 2013. Cyber crimes are at the highest they've ever been, and only getting worse with time. I'm protected pretty well, but others aren't. Even if it wasn't a hack, it could take you to something you don't want to see, or to some activist site showing brutal images of the killing of seals or something.
Personally, I would feel much more comfortable seeing the pics right in front of my face, without having to click links that could take me literally anywhere, or maybe throw me into safe mode until 3:30 in the morning trying to fix what just happened.

Illustrious Member
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26/09/2013 3:14 am  

That's not haiku.
But instead, a decent limerick. I like all poetry.
Aunt Mark

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