After scourging the web for hours, I cannot seem to find nearly anything similar to these two pieces. Both of them have the same design, one larger and the other more slim and feminine. Appears to me to be either two different styles by the same maker in the same period or a his and hers lounge chair set. Both Black Vinyl, Both with rounded and sculpted wood frame. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions. Pretty stumped. <img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment w
Price will stay the same regardless but for my own sanity, Id like to know who made them. If you don't know anything about them, feel free to post another passive aggressive remark ;]. for me, its always interesting to learn about new designers and styles for my business or to help others. if anyone else has any info I would greatly appreciate it.
I think that as guesses go Arne Hovmand Olsen is a pretty good guess.
There are a few Danish chairs that have similar characteristics to the larger one. Specifically the back rest curving into the arms. Ib Kofod Larsen designed one for Christian and Larsen. And there is a chair that was made by Slagelse Møbelfabrik that was on eBay recently that was similar.
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