Design Addict


Andrew J Edinburgh
Andrew J Edinburgh
Group: Registered
Joined: 2010/12/28
Honorable Member
Possibly Pallucco I've racked my brain, and Google images, a...

In forum General discussion

10 years ago
Thanks again i *love* stuff like that. It'd be fantastic to...

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
Looks familiar... ...but can't quite place it. It might be a...

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
Not exactly a flop.. ...but I've always been intrigued by th...

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
It's a shame you're in the US... your buck doesn't go a...

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
Yes, thank you Vintagesque. ... Yes, thank you Vintagesque. ...

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
Possibly Fritz Hansen 1980s to 1990s? This really rings a be...

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
The very definition of irony ............... "It would be ni...

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
Value of an item A couple of posters have alluded to this ea...

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
Posting pics Hi Zen, I can't take any credit for the picture...

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
Scholten and Baijings bed linen for Hay? I personally don't ...

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
Fantastic That is the best and funniest obit I've ever read....

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
Thanks Nilo ...for an excellent and clear appraisal of the i...

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
Hay web site Forgot to include the firm's web site address.

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
Hay House Try Hay House, the HQ of Danish manufacturers Hay....

In forum General discussion

11 years ago
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