Forums Members Recent Posts Register Login Forums Members 12bet1pro Activity 12bet1pro Group: Registered Joined: 2024/10/10 New Member No activity found for this member. Share: 1930’s Avant-garde Modernist Flower Stand0 out of 50 review(s)520,00€Cabinet teak, Danish design, 70’s0 out of 50 review(s)629,00€Writing desk in satin wood, rosewood, maple and fruitwood0 out of 50 review(s)2800,00€Large Industrial Enamel Factory Pendant Lamp from Elektrosvit, 1960s, 22x0 out of 50 review(s)200,00€SoldMid Century Dressing Table by Jindrich Halabala for UP Brno0 out of 50 review(s)1180,00€Bar Art Déco0 out of 50 review(s)3400,00€SoldScandinavian mid-century modern rug. 195 x 140 cm (6.4 x 4.59 ft)0 out of 50 review(s)299,00€ If you need any help, please contact us at –